What do we work towards?

The CoRAC is a collective of individuals aiming to influence the relationship between human society and wildlife, believing that substantial changes need to take place to preserve France’s fauna, which is currently being decimated.

For the most part, our country’s fauna has been abandoned and its fate handed to a small minority of potent individuals, who exploit it for recreational purposes.

Ecological matters pertaining to the preservation and restoration of natural balance – which wildlife is a part of – have been overlooked and ignored by humankind: farmers practicing agrochemistry and intensive agriculture, foresters focused on profit, real estate and infrastructure promoters, political entities and decision-makers. Nature seems to be a second-rate citizen.

Nevertheless, the world is going through a situation of crisis, which despite its magnitude and the urgent need to act, is still not present in the minds of a great majority of citizens. To spur change all of the 21st century’s entities and society strata must realise the necessity to respect and protect natural habitats and their inhabitants, and to peacefully coexist.

In the past, thanks to the positive evolution of morals and the increase of knowledge, mankind understood that it was not acceptable to physically and/or psychologically torture members of the same species (although we still strive to apply this around the world), and fought against slavery and human exploitation. Some societies have even managed to establish principles of justice against greed and the expression of base instincts.

There will also come a time, where the exploitation of animal species by humans will not be tolerated anymore. In France, wildlife is constantly struggling to survive and wildlife associations are its only source of protection.

Hunting is the epitome of humankind’s want to exert domination: a recreational activity, which has seized to correspond to the values and basic needs of our societies, and consists in killing living individuals and monopolise their natural habitat. It is a well-known fact that biodiversity and the environment are at risk, because of human activity, and hunting heavily participates in its jeopardising.

In France, hunting is only a recreational activity as we will further demonstrate in our exposition, which is absolutely unacceptable for ethical reasons (taking pleasure in killing, the negation of animal sentience and sensitivity, teaching violence to our children), ecological reasons (the development of natural spaces for the sole benefit of human activities and with an absolute disregard for wildlife, a constant undermining and pressurisation of animal species and natural environments) and societal reasons (the appropriation of natural habitat and endangerment of human beings through the presence and use of lethal weapons).

Moreover, it remains to be said that the immense majority of French cititzens is against hunting and thus maintaining it represents a denial of democracy. This activity, which revolves around death, is only allowed, because of a very powerful lobby behind it (see our fact sheet on the hunting lobby for more information), the latter which interacts with the highest instances of the state.

Our objective is to demonstrate that it is possible to go without hunting nationwide. We offer solutions to prevent wildlife from causing damages to human activities (agriculture, forests, road traffic, private gardens, etc.), in terms of sanitary matters and to monitor wildlife demographics.

To do so, we have studied the functioning and missions of the current designated official body in charge of wildlife and its natural spaces, the OFB (which integrated the ONCFS), as well as the variety of interactions between humankind and wildlife.

We invite you to browse our website and documents, in which you will find all the solutions to create a country without hunting.